Sunday, 16 December 2012

LEAN Dream - Automotive Plant

Lean Automotive Plant

Ni saje je berangan.. (Just dreaming)

Colour by  nurin Eqma Leena bt Edly (7 years old)


Thursday, 13 December 2012

Profil Manusia

Profil mereka yang MEMPENGARUHI

Mereka bersifat peramah, bijak dalam pergaulan, ramai kawan dan ramai yang suka mendampingi mereka. Mereka ini petah berkomunikasi dan seorang yang bijak bersosial, suka menarik perhatian orang lain untuk terlibat bersama mereka. 

Mereka ini cenderung untuk mengekalkan hubungan  dengan mewujudkan suasana yang sentiasa positif. Sifat penyayang dan keprihatinan yang ditunjukkan lebih menyifatkan mereka ini mementingkan keharmornian.

Namun begitu kadangkala sikap terbuka mereka ini kadangkala memerangkap diri mereka sendiri.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Lean in Supply Chain

Lean Supply Chain contribution toward Lean Health Care

Edly Ferdin Ramly
Principal for EFR Management, Malaysia


Lean systems allow a supply chain to not only to be more efficient, but also faster. We can get our sufficient supplies at right time, right quantity without any shortage or excess inventory with effective lean supply chain. As the culture of lean takes over the entire supply chain, all links increase their velocity. A culture of rapid response and faster decisions becomes the expectation and the norm. However leans supply chain always being left out during lean implementation in health care.

Keywords: Lean Health care, Just in time, Value Stream Map

Lean thinking are applicable anywhere there are processes to improve, including the entire supply chain. A lean supply chain is one that produces just what and how much is needed, when it is needed, and where it is needed.
The underlying theme in lean thinking is to produce more or do more with fewer resources while giving the end customer exactly what he or she wants. This means focusing on each product and its value stream. To do this, organizations must be ready to ask and understand which activities truly create value and which ones are wasteful. The most important thing to remember is that lean is not simply about eliminating waste—it is about eliminating waste and enhancing value.
The objectives of this paper is to discuss the benefit and strategy ti implement lean supply chain effectives. This synthesis based on single action base research enables even small supplier or contractors to participate in the results of lean efforts.

The main issues in health care is increase of cost in medical supplies. The supplies included scientific supply, medical supplies, linens, dietary, medical records, Patient transportation and many more. All this supplies need to be deliver in many areas in hospital including ward, clinics, laboratory and theatres.Many supplies are everywhere and duplicate in many location. Sometime excessive stock will lead to Out-of-date stock, less stock will have erratic ordering, too many replenishment of supplies.
What benefit the hospital when the hospital improve the supply chain? The hospital will able to managed the supply chain effectively hence the expected results are:
          Reduce purchasing cost
          Reduce inventory
          Reduce storage area
          Improve warehouse control
          Reduce lead time
          Transportation cost
          Reduce error
A strong supply chain enables the hospital to align themselves with each other and to coordinate their continuous improvement efforts. Competitive advantage and leadership in the global marketplace can only be gained by applying lean principles to the supply chain. Thought, commitment, planning, collaboration, and a path forward are required. A lean supply chain is proactive and plans for the unexpected by positioning all resources for effectiveness. Downturns in demand can be addressed without layoffs or significant productivity losses. What benefits the organization as a whole benefits the supply chain.

Supply chains that want to grow and continue to improve must adopt lean. Lean concepts require an attitude of continuous improvement with a bias for action. The concepts of lean apply to all elements of the supply chain, including support departments such as product development, quality, human resources, marketing, finance, purchasing, and distribution. The challenge is to bring all of these areas out of their traditional silos and make them work together to reduce waste and create flow. Duplication and a lack of appropriate and timely communication run rampant in these traditional organizations. All chain partners have to be on the same playing field, and the lean concept is intended to let everyone reach new levels of efficiency and effectiveness. Supply chain leaders should not delay—it's urgent to act now to implement lean concepts in the supply chain.
The strategy relies on VIC strategy. The first strategy is to develop the value stream mapping (V). The value stream map (VSM) able to identify the process, the supplier. However the supply chain detail, is not identify in first level and second level of VSM. Additional information need to be integrate (I) to the VSM. The detail may included the type of supply required for each process, quantity required, pull or push system, and supermarket. The final strategy is to control the supplies.
Figure 1: Material flow symbol (Rother and Shook, 1999)


The team from Hospital A are eager to implement lean. Almost all the service have been analyses using value stream map. The first strategy has been completed. However the format of value stream map, have the problem on identify the supplier. The solution is use the VSM proposed by Nash and Poling (2008). The supplier sysmbol have eliminate and start with the “patient”

Figure 2: The example of VSM for diagnostic imaging

The second strategy was to integrate the the supply chain information VSM. Most of common VSM don’t have space to identify the supplies required for the process. There are suggestion to use simple process mapping but the ideas not able to see the connection of the supplies to the process and other department. The team decided to used the bottom of process to list out the supplies for each process. Example during preparation of patients, all the items are listed and quantity required is quantified and at the same time the number stock kept and the way of the stock replenished is added.

The last strategy is to identify the way to control the stock. The pull with Kanban system and visual management is always the best solution. But there were some cases where the supplies can be eliminate at all for example film type of diagnostic change with electronic imaging. 5S control was implemented and minimum stock especially for consumable supplies i.e. paper table, drape exam sheet, glove, gauze; medical supplies i.e. Kenalog, prep pad alcohol etc.


With VIC (VSM – Integrate -  Control) strategy, the lean supply chains have implemented effectively on the internal stock control. The value stream mapping provide more visual diagram of the supplies flow in health care process. Since in health care main focus is patient, and to provide more value to patient, sometime the stock control not been capture in VSM. The additional integration was used to capture the supplies and stock current and futire practices. The next challenge of the hospital is extend the implementation to purchasing, central store and lean supplier for example on just in time, reduction of batch size (minimum order quantity) and pull system.


The author would like to thank EFR Management, Malaysia Productivity Corporation, National Iranian Productivity Organization, Asia Productivity Organization, and management and staff of Hospital A, Hasheminijad Kidney Centre, Tehran, Moheb Hospital, Tehran  that provide the financial and resources support in this research.


Rother M and Shock J (1999), “Learning to See”, Lean Enterprise Institute
Arter D.R. (2008).  Mapping the total value stream mapping”, Productivity  Press

Presented in 

International Conference on Continuous Value Adding based on Lean Thinking in Hospital Management, Tehran, Iran,

30 Nov – 1 Dec 2011

Friday, 7 December 2012

LEAN - Step 3 Eliminate Waste

Strategi Penghapusan PEMBAZIRAN - Langkah 3 - Menghapuskan pembaziran

Selepas mengenalpasti pembaziran, seperti mana-mana proses penambahbaikan kita perlu mengenalpasti PUNCA mengapa pembaziran itu BERLAKU

Punca yang berkaitan secara langsung adalah kerana TAKUT-TAKUT

Punca yang contribute termasuklah:

Masalah Kualiti
Pekerja tidak mahir
Mencari barang, part, bahan mentah dsbg
Permintaan yang tidak menentu
Set-up mesin/ proses terlalu lama
Kerosakan sistem
Suka pada batch yang besar
Supplier lambat hantar
Kapasiti mesin, tempat dan ruang yang besar

Sebelum kita berbincang tentang beberapa alat (tools) dan teknik yang boleh digunakan, kita tengok apakah HIERARCHY Teknik-teknik penghapusan.

PERTAMA - HAPUSKAN TERUS apa-apa pembaziran yang tidak perlu atau yang boleh di ELAKKAN.
Contohnya, perlu ke kita cetak borang sedangkan sudah ada proses ONLINE

Contohnya, perlu ke kita menjalankan proses pengesahan sehingga 3 kali. Mungkin kita boleh hapuskan 2 proses tersebut dan tinggalkan 1


Kemungkinan kita boleh menggunakan alat (tools yang sesuai) seperti:

Masalah Kualiti - Poka Yoke, FMEA, Jidoka
Pekerja tidak mahir - Multiskill, empowerment etc
Mencari barang, part, bahan mentah dsbg - 5S
Permintaan yang tidak menentu - PULL, KANBAN sistem
Set-up mesin/ proses terlalu lama - SMED
Kerosakan sistem - TPM
Suka pada batch yang besar - One piece flow, looping, relayout etc, Heijunka
Supplier lambat hantar - Pull, JIT, Kanban
Kapasiti mesin, tempat dan ruang yang besar - Kecikkan tempat tu

Kebanyakan alat-alat diatas boleh menabantu mengeliminasi atau mengurangkan PEMBAZIRAN

Selamat mencuba


Thursday, 6 December 2012

LEAN Leadership

Sustaining and spreading the gains in lean Hospitals: Role of Leadership

Edly Ferdin Ramly
Principal for EFR Management, Malaysia


Whether you follow Lean, Six Sigma, or an internal methodology, one of the biggest challenges of process improvement is ensuring that process changes are adopted consistently—and sustained— and spread by your organization. How can you measure how well your process improvements have been adopted? And how can you monitor activity to ensure process improvements are sustained while identifying new best practices for continuous improvement. The success factors of lean lies on lean leadership.

Keywords: Lean Health care, Lean Leadership


People often equate “Lean” with the tools that are used to create efficiencies and standardize processes. However, implementing tools represents at most 20 percent of the effort in Lean transformations. The other 80 percent of the effort is expended on changing leaders’ practices and behaviors, and ultimately their mindset. Senior management has an essential role in establishing conditions that enable that 80 percent of the effort to succeed. Their involvement includes establishing governance arrangements that cross divisional boundaries, supporting a thorough, long-term vision of the organization’s value-producing processes, and holding everyone accountable for meeting Lean commitments. This is accomplished through regular, direct involvement. When upper management sets the example, durable Lean success and an increasingly Lean leadership mindset follow.

Most of the literature on Lean conversions has focused on implementing the Lean tools (to create flow, establish pull,  support just-in-time production, etc.) in manufacturing (Womack and Jones 1996; Rother and Shook 1998). Some of the literature has explored Lean tools in healthcare,  office settings, or product development processes (Graban 2008);  Critiques of the tools only focus note that even brilliant use of tools without changes in culture rarely produces lasting change, or even lasting .There is a missing link in Lean. This missing link is the set of leadership behaviors and structures that make up a Lean management system.Lean management bridges a critical divide: the gap between Lean tools and Lean thinking. Systematic Lean management separates Lean initiatives that start well but falter from those that sustain initial gains and deliver further improvement.

In this paper, we examines the key reasons why process changes often fail to be sustained in the long term. Explore DIET techniques on how you can track whether your organization is really sustaining and spread the lean thinking and continuous improvement.

The lean effort is consider failed once the organization stop their effort in waste elimination stop. Stop mean the gain not been sustain and the implementation not been spread. The main reason of failure are due to:
1.      Purpose – The purpose of lean initiative have not been clearly defined. In many cases, the organization adopted the lean just because it is “the best menu of the day”.
2.      Process – The process of the lean implementation not been plan, do, check and action. Yet, my own observations say this is precisely the thing that most companies can’t seem to do. Why? Surely one major reason for this is the way we lead and;
3.      People – Employees didn’t buy in the initiative.

For hospital-wide Lean initiative to succeed, leaders at three organizational levels must play complementary roles. This overlap reinforces continuity of support for new practices throughout the organization, e.g., disciplined adherence, attention to process performance at intersections, and gemba walking (which takes managers to the front lines to look for improvement opportunities). This continuity maintains the internal integrity of Lean tool implementations and the Lean management system.

Senior leaders play a central role in Lean management. Their contributions are essential in:
1. Developing and implementing structures and processes that anticipate and respond to the difficulties of a Lean initiative that crosses internal boundaries;
2. Increasing the odds that process improvements survive the transition from project mode to ongoing process and Creating conditions in which a sustainable Lean culture of continuous improvement can develop.;
3. Establishing and maintaining new, process-focused measures along side conventional measures of results;
4. Transforming commitments to change into actual change, supporting and sustaining new behaviors and practices;

The leader’s job at Toyota get each person to take initiative to solve problems and improve his or her job. The Leader’s job is to develop his or her people spirit of Lean Mentorship. “If the learner hasn’t learned, the teacher hasn’t taught”

Figure 1: Example of leadership model at Toyota

Leadership at Toyota change from managing numbers to managing the process.Leaders at Toyota, like leaders anywhere, want to see measurable results. But they know that the financial result is a result of a process. They also realize that the financial results reflect the past performance of that process. Far better is to create a process that can be managed right NOW.
Leadership at Toyota also change from Problem-hiding to Problem-solving. All actions at Toyota revolve around planning and problemsolving. It is assumed that there will be problems, that everything will not go according to plan. “No problem is problem.” For the system to work, problems must be exposed and dealt with forthrightly. Hiding problems will undermine the system. Leadership at Toyota utilised P-D-C-A. Toyota would say this is essentially the P-D-C-A management cycle they learned from Dr. Deming.

Chairman Cho of Toyota:
Three Keys to Lean Leadership
  • Go See - “Sr. Mgmt. must spend time on the plant floor.
  • Ask Why -  “Use the “Why?” technique daily.
  • Show Respect. “Respect your people.”

 Figure 2: Chairman of Toyota

In the early days of lean implementation, the leader should allowed to just try things, to make mistakes and learn from them. That’s the spirit that required in lean. “Continuous improvement comes from making mistakes and learning from them." “It is a mistake to suppose that men succeed through success; they much oftener succeed through failures. Precept, study, advice, and example could never have taught them so well as failure has done.”


Lean leadership is the key toward lean success. The leader need to define the clear purpose of lean and ensure the first project is the successful by giving full support and resources. Focus on measure should be established based on process and transformed the commitment in term coaching, education and respects.


The author would like to thank EFR Management, Malaysia Productivity Corporation, National Iranian Productivity Organization, Asia Productivity Organization, and management and staff of Hospital A, Hasheminijad Kidney Centre, Tehran, Moheb Hospital, Tehran  that provide the financial and resources support in this research.


Rother M and Shock J (1999), “Learning to See”, Lean Enterprise Institute

Graban (2008),  “Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Satisfaction “, Productivity Press

Presented at - International Conference on Continuous Value Adding based on Lean Thinking in Hospital Management, Tehran, Iran,
30 Nov – 1 Dec 2011 

Edly Ramly ã2011 and

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

LEAN - Step 2 Identify Waste

Strategi Penghapusan PEMBAZIRAN - Langkah 2 - Mengenalpasti pembaziran

Untuk mengenalpasti pembaziran, ada beberapa alat (tools) dan teknik yang boleh digunakan. Tanpa Tools dan teknik, proses penegnalpastian boleh dilakukan juga. Tetapi ia mungkin tidak berapa efektif dan sukar untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang dimana pembaziran berlaku, kenapa ia berlaku dan "how severe is it"

Teknik yang terkenal adalah teknik "Value Stream Mapping" yang diperkenalkan oleh Mike dan Rother didalam buku bertajuk "Learning to See".

Tool 1

Value stream mapping menngunakan kombinasi:
1) Carta aliran proses
2) Aliran maklumat
3) Maklumat berkaitan 

- Masa Proses
- Masa Menunggu
- Jumlah invetori sebelum dan selepas proses
- Yield (ataupun Complete and Accurate)
- Bilangan tenaga kerja
dan berbagai lagi

Tool 2 = Process Mapping

Proses mapping adalah teknik analisa yang lebih detail untuk MASA sesuatu proses dijalankan. Teknik ini selalunya digunakan apabila proses di dalam VSM menunjukkan masa yang panjang diperlukan untuk menyiapkan sesuatu.

Proses mapping akan memecahkan proses kepada proses-proses yang lebih kecil supaya setiap proses itu boleh dikenalpasti pembazirannya.

Tool 3 = Spaghetti Diagram

Antara tools yang disukai ramai adalah spaghetti diagram. Diagram ini digunakan untuk mengenalpasti waste of motion dan conveyance didalam satu-satu kawasan.

Ada beberapa lagi tools yang boleh digunakan. Tetapi yang penting adalah pembaziran dapat dikenalpasti, digambarkan dan mudah untuk dibentangkan.

Seterusnya pembaziran ini perlu di labelkan. Biasanya dilabelkan dengan bintang letupan. Langkah seterusnya ialah... HAPUSKAN pembaziran tersebut


LEAN - Case Study - Sistem Penyampaian 1

Buat masa ini, banyak initiatif yang cuba dijalankan oleh kerajaan untuk menjadikan operasi mereka leboih lean. Sebelum saya kongsi beberapa case study lain yang diutara semasa sessi kurus lean beberapa agensi kerajaan yang lain, rencana ini dipetik daripada:

Kerajaan sentiasa mengambil perhatian dan berusaha untuk meningkatkan sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan semua kementerian dan agensi sektor awam. Pelbagai tindakan susulan telah dilaksanakan dengan memberi penekanan kepada lima (5) aspek berikut, iaitu:

·         pembangunan Sumber Manusia; 
·         pemantapan sistem dan prosedur kerja; 
·         pengemaskinian undang-undang dan akta; 
·         penggunaan ICT dalam penyampaian perkhidmatan; dan 
·         pelaksanaan transformasi organisasi secara menyeluruh.

Selain daripada usaha berterusan seperti yang tersebut, mulai tahun 2007, kerajaan telah mengambil inisiatif untuk menubuhkan Pasukan Petugas Khas Pemudahcara Perniagaan, yang  dikenali secara ringkas sebagai PEMUDAH.

PEMUDAH merupakan satu perkongsian bistari (smart partnership) di antara kerajaan dan sektor swasta yang diwakili oleh Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM).  PEMUDAH telah berjaya menghasilkan beberapa pembaharuan dan peningkatan kecekapan penyampaian dengan memudahcarakan prosidur dan tempoh pengurusan..

Contoh 1 - Tempoh pengeluaran passport dari beberapa minggu sehingga hanya dua (2) jam yang merupakan satu rekod sedunia.

Contoh 2: 
Secara khusus, mengenai pemantapan pengurusan kewangan, sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa, melalui Surat Pekeliling Perbendaharaan Bil. 7 Tahun 2006, semua agensi Kerajaan dikehendaki menguruskan pembayaran bil dan tuntutan tidak lewat dari 14 hari dari tarikh ianya diterima. Berdasarkan pemantauan rapi yang dilaksanakan, prestasi agensi-agensi Kerajaan dalam menguruskan pembayaran bil dan tuntutan telah bertambah baik. Bagi tempoh 1 hingga 31 Oktober 2009 misalnya, prestasi pengurusan bil bagi 24 Kementerian adalah seperti berikut:

* Pembayaran dalam tempoh 14 hari ialah 96.67%  dengan melibatkan 446,147 bil, di mana 86.66% mencapai tahap pembayaran dalam tempoh 7 hari yang melibatkan 391,858 bil
* Pembayaran lewat iaitu melebihi 14 hari ialah 1.33%  yang melibatkan 6,030 bil

Contoh 3:
Untuk meningkatkan lagi kecekapan dalam menguruskan surat-menyurat, Kerajaan telah menetapkan dalam para 6.10 Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bilangan 5 Tahun 2007 bahawa semua surat yang diterima hendaklah diambil tindakan segera. Sekiranya surat itu memerlukan jawapan segera, ia hendaklah dibalas dalam masa yang singkat. Sekiranya jawapan segera tidak dapat diberikan, penulis surat itu hendaklah dimaklumkan melalui surat akuan terima yang menyatakan bahawa tindakan sedang diambil dan jawapan yang lengkap akan disusuli dalam satu jangka masa yang dinyatakan.

Contoh 4: Lesen Perniagaan

Sila rujuk Blog MPC

Kerajaan akan terus berusaha gigih, dengan menggunakan kaedah pengurusan dan teknologi yang bersesuaian untuk terus meningkatkan lagi mutu system penyampaian sektor awam supaya lebih responsive serta dapat memenuhi kehendak rakyat jelata. Dalam pada ini, kerajaan sentiasa mengalu-alukan dan menghargai maklumbalas dan teguran secara spesifik daripada orang awam, dan khasnya daripada wakil rakyat.


Monday, 3 December 2012

LEAN - Step 1 Awareness

Strategi pertama untuk perlakasanaan LEAN adalah kesedaran tentang WASTE ataupun PEMBAZIRAN.

Ramai yang tidak sedar, pembaziran ada didepan mata. Banyak juga terfikir tentang pembaziran elektrik, penjimatan kos dan sebagainya.

Ada pembaziran yang sudah menjadi akar umbi, manakala ada juga yang baru nak bermula.

Kita perlu faham sebelum lain-lain pembaziran berlaku, ia berlaku kerana ada PROSES yang tidak perly DILAKUKAN.


1) Termasuklah proses yang tidak diperlukan oleh PELANGGAN. Dalam erti kata lain, pelanggan tak kisah, kita buat ataupun tak buat.
- MENYEMAK BERULANG-ULANG mahupun approval atau birokrasi

2) Proses yang tidak diperlukan oleh ORGANISASI. Selalunya proses ini dicipta kerana perasaan TAKUT-TAKUT
Contohnya -
takut-takut salah... jadi kena la check banyak kali
takut-takut tak cukup... beli barang banyak
takut-takut pelanggan minta
takut-takut BOSS marah
taku-takut mesin rosak
takut-takut ambik masa ynag lama untuk set-up
dan macam-macam takut-takut

SEMUA PROSES INI TIDAK MENAMBAH NILAI dan kita perlu sedar yang proses ini adalah PEMBAZIRAN.


Sunday, 2 December 2012

Apa itu LEAN?

Perkataan “Lean”  menjadi terkenal apabila Womack dan Jone menerbitkan buku “Lean Thinking” pada tahun 1996. Perkataan Lean digunakan  bukan bermaksud ... sandar. Jika kita lihat kamus bahasa Inggeris, Lean juga bermaksud KURUS. Kaitan kurus, adalah menjalankan aktiviti dengan secara SLIM dan tak berlemak.

Lean dalam konteks kualiti dan kos bermaksud “EFISYEN”. Efisyen bermaksud menjalankan aktiviti dengan mengoptimakan sumber, termasuklah masa, sumber manusia, tenaga dan juga kewangan. Dalam masa yang sama, memenuhi kehendak pelanggan dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan.

Apakah MATLAMAT utama LEAN

Matlamat utama lean ada MENGHAPUSKAN pembaziran. Sbelum perkataan lean digunakan, teknik yang sama digunakan oleh Lean adalah TPS ataupun Toyota Production System. TPS telah diamalkan oleh pihak Jepun semenjak tahun 60 an kerana mereka kekurangan sumber, termasuklah tanah dan sumber asli. Jadi mereka kena memikirkan bagaimana untuk mengoptimakan sumber-sumber yang ada.

Apakah PEMBAZIRAN  (WASTE) yang ada didalam operasi

Teknik VAVE (value analysis dan value engineering) memfokuskan  rekabentuk dan pembangunan (design dan development) untuk produk, manakala LEAN memfokuskan kepada operasi.
Ada TIGA jenis pembaziran  proses yang mudah untuk di INGATI iaitu

Manakala TOYOTA pula memperkenalkan 7 jenis Pembaziran iaitu, Wait, Over-produce, Motion, Rework, over-proses, inventory dan conveyance (ataupun transpirt). Ada yang menambah pembaziran Maklumat )Information) dan berbagai lagi.

Apakah STRATEGI Lean.

Jika mengikut  Lean Thinking” ada 5 strategi. Tetapi saya lebih suka meringkaskan strategi LEAN kepada TIGA iaitu:
1     1) SEDAR wujudnya PEMBAZIRAN
       2) KENALPASTI Pembaziran itu dimana
       3) HAPUSKAN atau KURANGKAN pembaziran tersebut
Ada berbagai teknik dan alat (tools) yang boleh digunakan sperti menggunakan VSM, Poka YOKE, 5S dan lain-lain lagi.

SUDAHKAN anda melaksanakan LEAN. Keran apembaziran itu adalah AMALAN SYAITAN
Salam hormat dari saya

Di Sedenak, (untuk berfikir  sejenaka)  Kulai

Workshop LEAN di Suzhou - Tahun 2001 kot

He he he... terjumpa gambar lama. Dalam banyak-banyak worksyop LEAN, ni je gambar yang jumpa... macam kelakar pulak tengok gmbar muda-muda dulu...

Dulu buat worksyop, kena hand-on sekali..

 Entah faham ke tak pakcik ni...

Tangga buluh tu... he he

InsyaAllah, saya kongsikan apa itu Lean dan bagaimana melaksanakan lean...



Minggu ni, saya ingin berkongsi sedikit tentang LEAN. Lean adalah antara bidang kepakaran saya selepas audit sistem pengurusan.

Lean antara antara bidang kerjaya saya yang pertama setelah dilantik sebagai Pegawai Promosi Lean pada tahun 2000. Walaupun sebelum itu saya tidak pernah dengar tentang Lean, saya bertuah kerana diberi kepercayaan untuk mempromosikan Lean untuk TRW (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai LUCAS) bersama mentor saya Mr Tom Draper daripada TRW US dan juga sahabat darupada plant-plant TRW yang lain termasuklah En Halim Baharom daripada TRW Bkt Beruntung, Ji Hong daripada Suzhou dan ramai lagi sahabat-sahabat yang lain dari seluruh pelusuk dunia.

Bersama pakar-pakar LEan daripada APO 

Syukor, pada tahun lepas, saya bersama MPC Wilayah Pantai Tinur dapat melancarkan program LEAN kepada PKNP (PErbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Pahang) dan kemudian bersama-sama dengar pakar-pakar Lean yang lain daripada Jepun untuk bersama-sama menjadi mentor dan speaker untuk Lean Seminar untuk PENGURUSAN HOSPITAL di Iran.

Tahun ini, saya dapat bersama-sama dengan pengarah dan pegawai-pegawai MPC (Malaysia Productiviti Corporation) untuk berkongsi dan membangun pakar serta modul berkaitan Lean.

Minggu ini pula dalah minggu yang istemewa kerana saya dapat bersama-saya dengan Pengarah dan kakitangan Pejabat Tanah dan Galian negeri Perak untuk Taklimat Lean pada perhimpunan PTG PErak kali ke-8. Selepas itu saya berkongsi pengalaman dengan kakitangan Pejabat SUK negeri Pulau Pinang di Dewan Seri Pinang untuk sessi  kursus lean.

InsyaAllah, saya akan kongsikan jugak, idea perlaksanaan lean dalam penambahbaikan Sistem Penyampaian PErkhimatan Awam. Mula-mula saya kan kongsikan apakah itu Lean.

Selamat membaca.

29 Nov 2012
Dewan Sri Pinang, Pulau Pinang