Wednesday, 28 November 2012

KKK - Berkampung di Penang

Kualiti Kedai Kopi... minggu ni lepak 3 hari di George Town, Penang, Malaysia. Biasa dok kat Juru, Prai, kali ni dok kat pusat bandar. Apa-apa pun tahniah buat skuad Malaysia, dapat menundukkan Laos 4-1 sebentar tadi, semoga next game... lagi kelas. Balik ke cerita Penang tadi, ada beberapa perkara yang best kat sini:

1) Nasi Kandar Beratuq memang kick 

2) Tourist boleh tahan ramai (ekonomi dan income sure baguih punya)

3) Dapat pakai Penang Free Wifi (jimat data pakej aku)

4) Kali pertama bagi training untuk Pejabat SUK untuk perlaksanaan LEAN (team diorang memang proaktif, banyak idea penambahbaikan sistem penyampaian diterima oleh mereka - Aku orang Johor pun tak pernah kena jemput utk cadangkan perlaksanaan lean utk state administration)

5) dan ada byk agi yang best

Cuma ada sikit pandangan, untuk penambahbaikan KUALITI hidup masyarakat kat sana:

1) Sistem pengangkutan awam, kalau ada sistem MRT ke, monorail ke lagi baguih. Yang penting dari seberang ke pusat2 utama di Pulau. Buat jambatan kedua pun tak selesai masalah jam, tambahlah berapa banyak lebuhraya pun takkan settle.

2) Pejabat pentadbiran negeri, termasuklah SUK, DUN elok buat kat tanah besar, seperti Bertam ke. Georgetown patut fokus kepada pelancungan heritage, bukan pentadbiran negeri.

3) Lepak kat Jalan Masjid Kapitan Kling, jumpa banyak homeless dan pengemis. Lebih baik, bawak diorang gi pusat shelter yang bersesuaian. Merosakkan imej bandar jek dan jugak negeri.

4) Tempat pejalan kaki, longkang boleh diperbaiki lagi... banyak yang tiba-tiba hilang arah (negara maju biasanya tempat pejalan kaki diorang detail dan tak hilang tiba-tiba)...

Ni je yang terlintas malam ni.

Blurp.. sendawa lepas bedal nasik kandar lepas tengok bola tadi.... selamat malam semua


Dari kota heritage Georgetown Penang

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Quality 1st - Defining Quality

There are few interesting statement on Quality on one of the factory that I visit i.e.


"Imagine Quality without U and I" ............... QALTY ... some people say it is FAULTY

U (you) and I mean the quality cannot be achieved without people. That why the definition of quality should start with:





Just think about it.... Good night


Monday, 12 November 2012

Quality FIRST ! I am not agreed :)

Adakah KUALITI keutamaan NOMBOR 1 organisasi anda? Jika anda pengamal Kualiti sudah tentu jawapannya YA. Tetapi pengamatan saya sebagai “QUALITY PREACHERS” lebih dari 10 tahun dan juga USAHAWAN lebih dari 6 tahun, kualiti adalah nombor 2. Jadi apakah menjadi NOMBOR 1. Jawapannya adalah kebolehan PEMASARAN ataupun MARKETING. ANDA SETUJU?

Setiap perniagaan memerlukan pemasaran yang efektif. Ambik contoh AIRASIA, ramai yang memberikan maklumbalas negative pada awal operasi (terutama dalam 3 tahun pertama operasi) seperti, penerbangan selalu CANCEL, LEWAT, tidak dapat makanan dsbg. Target mereka pada masa itu adalah untuk SURVIVE dan dapatkan pelanggan seramai yang mungkin. Selepas itu barulah mereka menambaikan KUALITI atau mutu perkhidmatan mereka. APA pandangan anda tentang AIRASIA sekarang?

Contoh kedua adalah Negara JEPUN pada tahun 60an, Korea 80an dan China baru-baru ini. Pada tahun 60an, Jepun mengeluarkan produk berkualiti rendah seperti kereta, berbanding dengan produk keluaran Eropah dan Amerika. Teringat kata pakcik saya, Ini kereta TIN SUSU. Cuba amati apa yang mereka hasilkan pada penghujung 80an.. masih TIN SUSU lagi ke?

Mungkin masih ada organisasi yang meletakkan KUALITI menjadi keutamaan dari awal lagi dan masih survive seperti MERCEDES BENZ dan SINGAPORE AIRLINE. Tetapi jika anda baru di dalam bidang PERNIAGAAN, adalah lebih baik fokuskan pada pemasaran terlebih dahulu dan perbaiki kualiti dari masa kesemasa.

Saya ada berkongsi mengenai strategi Kualiti dan Kos di
Kesimpulannya samada anda setuju ataupun tidak, ianya berdasarkan strategi perniagaan anda. SAMA-SAMAlah kita SEIMBANGKAN FOKUS kepada KUALITI.

Coretan: Cikgu Edly

Sunday, 11 November 2012



Job description (JD) has been widely used to define the competency requirement that develop through specific job position responsibilities and authorities. It commonly used to comply with ISO9001 requirements. However the job description is too general and does not provide necessary information for recruitment, selection and promotion process. This will lead to wrong job matching that will cause high employees turnover rate, reduce motivation and the most worrying is reduce productivity level. With effective JD, the HR personnel can identify the type of personal profile that match the positions offered and identified the need for training and development.


The development of effective JD, required holistic approached in organization. This included human resources strategy start from organization VISION, MISSION and POLICY. The MODEL  included:
·         The competency requirements
·         Task definitions
·         Job personal profile

 7 STEPS in developing JOB DESCRIPTION (JD)

STEP 1 - Understanding  organization behaviour
-          The organization type and strategy
-          Human Resources requirements

STEP 2 – Develop the process model
-          Creating job position

STEP 3 – Create Organization Chart
-          Creating job position
-          Opportunities for development and growth

STEP 4 – Identify detail job task for the process
-          Segregate the task to
o    Responsibility
o    Authorities
o    Accountability

STEP 5 - Matching job task with competency requirements
-          Identify SETE requirements

STEP 6 - Matching job task with JOB Profile (Behaviour and Attitute)
-          Suit the Task with SISIP
o    S aing (Contendor)
o    I kut (Follower)
o    S urvivor
o    I mbang (Balancer)
o    P rinsip (Believer)

Quality HR – overview of ISO9001 requirements on HR 1

Quality HR – overview of ISO9001 requirements on HR part1

HR can’t run away from been audited in ISO9001 internal or certification audit. Even in customer audit, HR also become the favourite place during the audit. WHAT the auditor looks during the audit?
Let see what is the requirements first!

First requirement:
ISO9001 clause:

4.1 d) ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes.

This requirements, required that each process in organization should be assigned with resources. The common practices is that the procedure or process flow, should in the person in charge “PIC” for each of the processes.


Sales process – Sales manager
Production process – Production manager
Prepare quotation – sales executives

Common findings in this clause is that some of the process i.e. calibration, the organization does not assigned the resources. This is commonly due to organization does not define the process at first place.

Second requirement

5.5 Responsibility, authority and communication
5.5.1 Responsibility and authority
Top management shall ensure that responsibilities and authorities are defined and communicated within the organization.

How to comply with this requirements?

Quite common, the organization should have the organization charts. The organization chart indicated the job position and hierarchy of reporting the organization. This the base line to comply with this requirement.

Next, when organization, prepared the procedure, the job position can be referred to the procedure.

The best PRACTICE to comply with this requirements is to prepare the JOB DESCRIPTION.

Why job description (see Quality HR _ Job description), it summarized the whole responsibility, authority instead need to refer to each procedure for roles and responsibilities.

Common findings in this clause is when the organization chart changes, i.e. the job position changes, the procedures and the job description not been updated.

Third requirements

6.2 Human resources
6.2.1 General
Personnel performing work affecting conformity to product requirements shall be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience.
NOTE Conformity to product requirements can be affected directly or indirectly by personnel performing any task within the quality management system.

COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS included :SETE: SKILL - EDUCATION - TRAINING - EXPERIENCES. One of the way to comply is to develop the comptency matrix for the department and then derived it into the JOB DESCRIPTION.

Common findings in this clause is the organization are the competency requirements not been defined clearly for the tasks defined.

6.2.2 Competence, training and awareness
The organization shall
a) determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting conformity to product
b) where applicable, provide training or take other actions to achieve the necessary competence,
c) evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken,
d) ensure that its personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they
contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives, and
e) maintain appropriate records of education, training, skills and experience (see 4.2.4).

Common findings in this clause is the organization does not identify the training based on the gap in comptency requirements. Secondly the training, not able to be provided as per Training Need Analysis (TNA) and does not remark any reason why and also unable to prioritized the training. Next common finding is that the staff does not aware on the  importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives, (d), and finally the record of evaluation was not updated.



Sunday, 4 November 2012

Quality Audit - 80% tak suka kena audit

80% Tak suka kena audit

Lebih daripada 80%, menyatakan mereka tidak suka KENA audit sistem pengurusan. Ini adalah berdasarkan survey yang dijalan kepada lebih daripada 30 organisasi dan responden seramai 180 auditee. Mereka yang tidak pernah kena audit tidak dimasukkan kedalam data.

Tadi tambah lagi 16 orang (semasa training OHSAS internal auditor) dan keputusan dia adalah 93% iaitu seorang sahaja yang suka KENA audit.
Antara alasan yang diberikan:

-          Leceh
-          Menyebabkan diaorang banyak kerja
-          Auditor banyak soal
-          Kena marah dengan boss kalau byk finding
-          Dan berbagai lagi
-          Ganggu waktu kerja
-          Cari salah orang 
-          Risau ada kekurangan 
-          Buka fail lama 
-          Auditor tak faham proses 
-          Permintaan terlalu banyak dari auditor

Fenomena ini perlu di tambah baik kerana tujuan asal audit adalah baik, iaitu meyemak sistem samada ia adalah efektif atupun tidak.
Jadi, apakah yang perlu dilakukan oleh auditor untuk menjadikan audit ini, adalah satu program yang disukai oleh auditee?

Auditor, cuba fikir-fikirkan

4 Nov 2011

Quality Audit - Auditor competency requirements

EFR Certification SOP71 Auditor competency requirements
Quality Audit - Auditor competency requirements

Untuk menjadi lead auditor, Adakan WAJIB hadiri kursus IRCA ataupun RABQSA?
Jawapannya adalah...... TIDAK tetapi boleh juga YA

TIDAK kerana auditor qualification adalah berdasar “Prosedur” organisasi it sendiri termasukkanlah badan persijilan. Tetapi untuk badan persijilan mereka perlu mamatuhi clause 7.2 (nota kat bawah) dan pada clause 7.2.5 ada menyatakan kena ikut ISO19011. Bila baca ISO19011, tak ada menyatakan KENA attend training anjuran IRCA mahupun RABQSA.

YA jika organisasi itu mewajibkan attend kursus anjuran IRCA atau RABQSA.
Tetapi... ada juga kelebihan join training akredited IRCA kerana mereka ni dah famous dalam bidang ni.

Kenapa IRCA famous... Mereka adalah antara pioneer dalam meng“qualify”kan dan system mereka adalah mematuhi standard ISO19011:2002, kalau dulu mereka terlebih dahulu mematuhi standard ISO10011:1991, 14011. IRCA juga dibawah Chatered Institute of Quality, UK. Biasala... orang akan cakap..... “UK tu beb”. Oleh sebab itu, kebanyakkan “certification body” atau badan persijilan ISO, memerlukan lead auditor mereka berdaftar dengan IRCA ataupun sekurang-kurangnya telah menghadiri kursus LA akredited dibawah  IRCA.

Yang kedua famous adalah RABQSA, dimana mereka adalah based di US. Dulu IRCA dan RABQSA recognised each other. Tapi start July 2012, mereka berpecah.

Jadi apa keperluan untuk kompetensi auditor. Seeloknya attend training accredited to ISO17024 seperti diberi contoh dalam ISO19011:2011.  Bolehlah refer pada contoh daripada prosedur EFR Certification yang diambil dari ISO19011:2002. Teteapi ada beberapa tambahan yang akan dilakukan bedasar ISO19011:2011 dalam masa terdekat.

Dari Bandar Seri Kerteh
4 Nov 2012

NOTA 1: ISO17021 clause 7.2
7.2 Personnel involved in the certification activities
7.2.1 The certification body shall have, as part of its own organization, personnel having sufficient
competence for managing the type and range of audit programmes and other certification work performed.

7.2.2 The certification body shall employ, or have access to, a sufficient number of auditors, including audit team leaders, and technical experts to cover all of its activities and to handle the volume of audit work performed.

7.2.3 The certification body shall make clear to each person concerned their duties, responsibilities and authorities.

7.2.4 The certification body shall have defined processes for selecting, training, formally authorizing
auditors and for selecting technical experts used in the certification activity. The initial competence evaluation of an auditor shall include a demonstration of applicable personal attributes and the ability to apply required knowledge and skills during audits, as determined by a competent evaluator observing the auditor conducting an audit.

7.2.5 The certification body shall have a process to achieve and demonstrate effective auditing, including the use of auditors and audit team leaders possessing generic auditing skills and knowledge, as well as skills and knowledge appropriate for auditing in specific technical areas. This process shall be defined in documented requirements drawn up in accordance with the relevant guidance provided in ISO 19011.

7.2.6 The certification body shall ensure that auditors (and, where needed, technical experts) are
knowledgeable of its audit processes, certification requirements and other relevant requirements. The
certification body shall give auditors and technical experts access to an up-to-date set of documented
procedures giving audit instructions and all relevant information on the certification activities.
7.2.7 The certification body shall use auditors and technical experts only for those certification activitieswhere they have demonstrated competence.
NOTE Assignment of auditors and technical experts to teams for specific audits is addressed in 9.1.3.

7.2.8 The certification body shall identify training needs and shall offer or provide access to specific training to ensure its auditors, technical experts and other personnel involved in certification activities are competent for the functions they perform.

7.2.9 The group or individual that takes the decision on granting, maintaining, renewing, extending,
reducing, suspending or withdrawing certification shall understand the applicable standard and certification requirements, and shall have demonstrated competence to evaluate the audit processes and related recommendations of the audit team.

7.2.10 The certification body shall ensure the satisfactory performance of all personnel involved in the audit and certification activities. There shall be documented procedures and criteria for monitoring and
measurement of the performance of all persons involved, based on the frequency of their usage and the level of risk linked to their activities. In particular, the certification body shall review the competence of its personnel in the light of their performance in order to identify training needs.

7.2.11 The documented monitoring procedures for auditors shall include a combination of on-site observation, review of audit reports and feedback from clients or from the market and shall be defined in documented requirements drawn up in accordance with the relevant guidance provided in ISO 19011. This monitoring shall be designed in such a way as to minimize disturbance to the normal processes of certification, especially from the client's viewpoint.

7.2.12 The certification body shall periodically observe the performance of each auditor on-site. The
frequency of on-site observations shall be based on need determined from all monitoring information available.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

KKK - Meningkat Kecemerlangan Kualiti Masjid

Meningkat Kecemerlangan Kualiti Masjid

Ni mungkin sensitive sikit. Tapi takpe, sekadar borak2.

 InsyaAllah,  kawan nak developkan sistem pengurusan kualiti untuk masjid, supaya organisasi masjid member FOKUS kepada Pelanggan.

Contoh Polisi dan framework Objectif Kualiti adalah:
-         -   Untuk menarik lebih ramai jemaah
-         -  Meningkat usaha DAKWAH
-         -  Mebangunkan ekonomi
-          - Mempertingkat ilmu

Kawan suka pergi melawat masjid bila berjalan. Apa yang biasa kawan perhatikan samada NOJER ke, atau PENJAGA masjid ni:

2.        CEPAT nak MARAH.. contoh tempat kena buka kasut, dari jauh TERJERIT-jerit bila nampak orang pakai kasut

Ada satu masjid ni (bukan masjid dalam gambar ni tau!), ramai pelancung bukan Islam datang melawat... APAKAH PERSEPSI mereka tentang masjid dan ISLAM secara kasar, bila NOJER atau penjaga masjid bersikap demikian?
Mereka sepatutnya dilatih dengan CARA-CARA atau prosedur menyambut tetapi, memberi penerangan tentang masjid dan menunjukkan contoh-contoh yang baik tentang masjid.
Ha masjid mana nak jadi model yang QMS... untuk pilot projek SAYA... masjid Bandar Putra kot (Tapi kalau banyak POLITIK, byk songeh.. kawan cari yang yang lain dulu).

Quality Preachers

KKK - Membudayakan 5S

KKK-Kualiti kedai kopi


Tadi belanja keluarga makan di McD Senai Airport. Saje, pasal 3 hari outstation. Apa yang menarik tadi, ada 3 orang mat saleh makan kat sana. Lepas makan diaorang kemas meja dan buang kedalam tong yang disediakan. Teringat masa dok kat Eropah dulu, memang lepas makan  kalau kat Mc D, lepas makan kena buang dalam tong.
Berbanding dengan kita di Malaysia, lepas makan tinggalkan je. Mungkin mentality kita adalah mentality kelas kedua, dimana kita anggapm bila kita buat sepah, akan ada yang membersihkan.

Nasib baik kita bukan mentality kelas ketiga – Semua orang buat sepah, tak de orang yang membersihkan.
Kelas kedua – Kita buat sepah ada yang membersihkan
Kelas pertama, kita sepahkan, kita kemas balik.

Kita perlu membudayakan mentality kelas pertama. Pada mulanya agak sukar, tetapi lama kelamaan akan jadi mudah.

Sebenar sistem 5S memang telah ada, cuma kena amalkan.

Selamat mencuba

Quality Preachers


Dapatkan modul dan video 5S di