Monday, 12 August 2013

SHOOTING & DAYLIGHT ROBBERY - Short term measures

Kualiti Kedai Kopi -

We been shock with SEVEN shooting in seven days before celebration of Eids. I also shock with robbery in happen daylight post in youtube yesterday.


 Normally robbery will increase when it is near to celebration i.e 1 month before chinese new year, Depavali or Eids.

Is this quality of life that we are looking at? FEWER CRIMES - BETTER QUALITY

The best short term strategy is to install Mass Monitoring or  CCTV. Even mass monitoring is criticized fro breach of privacy, benefit is more than privacy issues CCTV is one of the best strategies to facilitate enforcer to arrest the suspect faster since most of junction have the live footage of where they go, after the 999 call been made.
Although the presentation of the 2013 budget, more police will be added MEMBER ... more likely we'll find them hanging or MELANGOK @ pondok bit, drink a coffee etc. But when the phone, if there is a case of theft, they would not be able to chase criminals. Similarly, if added to the number of motorcycles, members should be assisted by the electronic spy CCTV controlled by local control center. If not, how are going to find the suspect/criminal.

If there are serious crimes, currret strategy is to have  inconvenient roadblocks and cause a lot of hassle to others.

Among the CCTV strategy:

1. Make sure cost is reasonable. If the price of a quality CCTV (no zoom, face recognition, and night vision) may be more or less RM500 (chicken brand can be $ 200), plus installation charges may not be over RM2000 per unit together with the internet system. WIth effective cost, more CCTV can be installed.

2. CCTV monitor to another CCTV - If anyone is trying to ruin CCTV, CCTV others will record the matter. The ideal place is at a traffic light, cross the street because there with easy 3 CCTV can be installed to monitor the trails of criminals.

3. 24-hour control center - the control center memererlu direct contact with 999 and "ground support". Control center requires energy pooling between police, RTD, local authorities, ATM etc.. New la cost can be reduced. Actually, in terms of HSE even better, placing heated policemen, and rain and smell the smoke shack kat bit tarnished.

4. Proper maintenance - We have to be strong with this. If not this project will become "white elephant"

5. CCTV can also be installed in the cab (or any vehicle), because taxis are constantly running to send clients, while-as a criminal record things that happen. Normally can also have communication with radio or walkie talkie.

Hopefully, with the use of this technology, we can reduce the crime rate. At the same time, we can produce experts in this field especially on technical and monitoring strategy which can produce more quality jobs. Support to the "ground support" can be extended with with the use of air support helicopter  or unmanned aircraft.

QUALITY of view, CCTV is very necessary for the success of the URBAN QUALITY - FEWER CRIMES. CCTV able to increase the quality of our lives.

QHSE Preachers

Edly Ramly

August 12, 2013

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Kampung Kualiti vs Kampung Kxxxx siri 2 - The URBAN VILLAGE

Kualiti Kedai Kopi

Today, Day 4 of Eids, as usual, we will visit relatives and friends. I have opportunities to visit my friends family at Kampung Skudai Kiri. Amazingly... hmmm surprisingly, look like ....

In first articles, I give opinion which is more relevant to RURAL VILLAGE (Sep 2012). The link as followed:

However this time, we have to move fast to change their quality of life. If not, of course this place will be
-           Social issues
-           Not healthy to raised the family
-           Bad impression to the government
-           Urban poor
-           At the end, this place will become haven to illegal immigrants

The place is so near with PALACE, and also not far from state government. I feel really sad to see this. There is success model for example in Kampung Morten in Mallacca.


Town Planner have to decide, this area will become either residential area, or tourist attraction, or commercial area.
The best is to MIX it all with some core economic activities.


Collaborate with property developer to develop apartment/ or condo. Whoever have the legal entity for the land should  able to build their own house but with some standard. Whoever that don't have any legal entity, will able to stay at the apartment.

Hope all the YBs, Tuanku sould look into this. I have visit other Urban Village before... i.e. Kg Melayu, Gelang Patah, Kampung near to Taman Sutera, Perling.. and I think they are also have the same scenario like Kg Skudai Kiri

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Borneo Post Online, 18 December 2012
KOTA KINABALU: Industrial accidents are on the decline in Malaysia but commuting accidents have increased almost 40 per cent in the past six years from 17,704 cases in 2006 to 24,809 in 2011.
“Commuting accidents involving our workforce has been on the increase every year since 2006.
“The manufacturing sector has the highest number of accidents at work and also commuting accidents with 22,760 cases or 38 percent share of the total accidents,” said National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye yesterday.
Lee pointed out in a statement that the world of work is changing dramatically with major impact on workers’ safety and health and new challenges due to globalization, demographic change, migration, evolving family structures and the impact of worldwide economic and financial crisis.
While safety risks and resulting work accidents are diminishing, work related commuting accidents are on the rise. The International Labour Organization (ILO) stated that 2.2 million work-related deaths occurred every year in which 350,000 deaths were from accidents at work, 1.7 million due to occupational diseases and 158,000 due to commuting accidents.
A major occupational safety and health issue in Malaysia is the one related to commuting accidents involving employees who commute from their home to their place of work and vice versa.
The number of road fatalities in Malaysia is alarming. There are more than 6,000 fatalities every year for the last few years and that translates into 18-20 people killed everyday. Motorcyclists and pillion riders make up about 60% of the fatalities and most of them are young and in the prime of their lives.
In Malaysia, according to our Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) that there were three work-related deaths every day in 2011. Two out of the three deaths were due to commuting accidents indicating a serious situation in the country.
SOCSO also revealed that overall accident rate had been significantly reduced by 37 per cent from 95,006 accidents in 2000 to 59,897 in 2011 due to enhancement of occupational safety and health awareness and enforcement of laws and regulations which have been put in place for the past 10 years.
While there is a general trend to indicate that industrial accidents are on the decline, however, the number of commuting accidents has increased almost 40% in the past six years from 17,704 accidents in 2006 to 24,809 accidents in 2011.
According to SOCSO, commuting accidents involving our workforce has been on the rise every year since 2006. In 2006, 17,704 cases were recorded whereas by 2011 the number increased to 24,809.
The impact of commuting accidents is far greater than the industrial accidents as commuting accidents normally involve multiple injuries and the injuries sustained during these accidents are far more worse and traumatizing when compared to the workplace accidents.
The problems related to the rising number of commuting accidents are lack of awareness among the workers for safe riding and driving while commuting to work, lack of comprehensive training programme targeted to commuting accidents, lack of Commuting Safety Management or lack of road safety elements in OSH Management System at workplaces.
Currently, there are many government departments and agencies involved in road accident prevention programmes such as RTD, MIROS, JKJR, the Police, SOCSO, DOSH, NIOSH and others.
But there is no single authority to enforce the commuting accident prevention programmes. The government needs to take this matter seriously.
Regarding behavioural changes of motorists and drivers, serious action must be taken to develop programmes that could change their attitude towards safe driving.
Based on SOCSO’s statistic, accidents happen on the way to work in the morning. It may happen because workers rush to work. Based on the statistic, other underlying factors are speeding, reckless driving, texting and lack of focus.
Driving schools should incorporate the behavioral change into their syllabus. Probably, these programmes should be extended to colleges and universities.
NIOSH is working on improving the training module for future safe motorcycle riding and defensive driving courses.
Employers have a moral obligation to adopt a proactive approach to managing occupational road risk.
They can do much to change the driving attitude and behaviour of their employees. The employers can help devise safe journeys, using safe vehicles and providing driver training to prevent road accidents.
Employers also have a duty to protect their employees and other road users by adopting the approach of managing road risk in order to control the very significant business losses which arise from ‘at work’ road accidents, including not only direct accident costs, but lost staff time, higher insurance premiums and poor public image.
Companies which take action to promote the safety of their staff while driving will achieve major cost savings, improve their image and make a significant contribution to meeting road safety targets.
Employers and employees have to collaborate and be committed to build a culture of commuting accident prevention for a healthy and safe future.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Diari seorang YB ... (bayangan je..)

Aku tulis ni bukan kerana aku nak jadi YB... saje je nak kaitkan ilmu kualiti dengan tugas seorang YB. Tau sedikit sebanyak tugas YB ni pasal pernah bagi training untuk pejabat SUK Penang, tahun lepas.. (ni konon2 YB DUN)

1 hari selepas Pilihanraya.. diumumkan sebagai pemenang

Panggil ahli-ahli yang tersenarai sebagai jawatankuasa dan buat mesyuarat sulung. Jawatankuasa ni.. dah ada dalam DRAF CARTA ORGANISASI, cuba nak buat lantikan secara formal. Antara jawatankuasa yang ada adalah, JK tindakan ekonomi, JK khidmat awam, JK aduan awam dan sebagainya

DRAF JOB DESCRIPTION jugak dibentangkan

Hari ke2..
Review dan study balik strategi dan pelan tindakan. 
Antara strateginya.....

Hari ke3
Hadir mesyuarat tubuh kerajaan .. tunggu perkenan Sultan

Hari ke4
Melengkapkan PORTAL aduan awam beserta prosedur untuk menerima, memproses aduan awam

Minggu ke2
Menjemput penjawat awam , penghulu, ketua kampung untuk bermesyuarat dan memperkenalkan PORTAL aduan awam.
Mungkin kena hadir mesyuarat DUN yang pertama.. mana tau jadi EXCO. (Kalau jadi MB dah jadi lain diari ni)

Minggu ke3
Menjemput semua ketua cawangan dan bahagian politik.. yang ada (tidak kira yang meyokong mahupun pembangkang) untuk membincangkan isu yang perlu untuk kawasan yang diwakili mereka.

Minggu ke4
Mesuarat bersama jawatankuasa tindakan Ekonomi.. dan membuat KEUTAMAAN projek-projek jangkamasa panjang dan KECIL seperti projek dan promosi industri ANCHOR dan keperluaan asas.

Bulan ke2
Pembentangan projek infrastruktur untuk pembangunan jangkamasa pendek dan panjang

Pelan turun padang diadakan.... seperti
Memulakan siri menjadi IMAM di surau-surau mengikut giliran, disamping memberi TAZKIRAH (internal communication) memampankan KEROHANIAN dan ILMU MUAMALAT
Kelas-kelas pembangunan usahawan, inovasi kepada dewan-dewan perniagaan, persatuan, dan sekolah

Bulan ke3
Menjalankan semua perancangan...
Mengumpul maklumat untuk mesyuarat ke2 DUN

Bulan ke 4
Meneruskan perlaksanaan perancangan disamping menyelesaikan masalah dan aduan awam


Tahun ke2

Bulan ke 13
Menjalankan MANAGEMENT REVIEW... tentang efektif dan efisyen

KEMAMPUAN EKONOMI - pendapatan dan perbelanjaan
KEPERLUAN ASAS seperti infrastruktur, harga barangan runcut
KESELAMATAN seperti kadar jenayah
KESEJAHTERAAN & KECERIAAN seperti program dan aktiviti

JENIS ADUAN dan aduan/ maklumbalas yang diselesaikan
Projek-projek inovasi


Meneruskan program tahun pertama dan sebarang perubahan dirujuk kepada management review

Tahun ke3

Meneruskan program.....
serta mewujudkan program INTERNAL AUDIT

Tahun ke4
Penambahbaikan kepada sistem


Hmmm.. dah masuk waktu Isyak.. jom solat


Wednesday, 1 May 2013

MANIFESTO pilihan saya :)

Pilihanraya semakin hampir. Tinggal 3 hari lagi sebelum rakyat Malaysia keluar mengundi. Hari ini saya menaip menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan di blog ini. Mula-mula macam nak tulis speaking, tapi... biarlah LUAHAN ni dalam bahasa Kebangsaan. 

1. Apakah Manifesto pilihan anda?

Manifesto  pilihan saya berkaitan KOS dan KUALITI hidup untuk kami dan generasi akan datang adalah:
- Kerajaan yang membangunkan EKONOMI UMMAH
- Hutang SIFAR dan mempunyai SIMPANAN TUNAI 3x ganda perbelanjaan tahunan

Tidak kira, apa juga isu utama, seperti KEPERLUAN ASAS (Harga barang), KESELAMATAN, KESEJAHTERAAN, KEBEBASAN adalah bersandar faktor ekonomi.

Yang perlu dielakkan ialah... MENGUTUK satu sama lain. Apa Yang BAIK perlu disokong tidak kira apa fahaman, yang ragu-ragu diTERANGKAN, yang tidak ELOK diTOLAK sama-sama.

2. Apakah INDEKS keberkesanan yang sesuai untuk menunjukkan prestasi kerajaan?

Index yang utama adalah KADAR TUKARAN asing. Kekuatan ekonomi sesebuah Negara boleh dinilai oleh kadar tukaran wang. Kita boleh pasangkan dengan GBP ataupun SGD, antara matawang yang kukuh. 
Kenapa matawang..?
Ia adalah indek yang BEBAS dari manipulasi data, kerana kadar dagangan antarabangsa melihat berapa WANG yang KELUAR dan berapa yang MASUK menentukan nilai matawang kita.

Jika ADA yang ingin memanupulasi, ia adalah berbentuk sementara. Kerajaan yang mempunyai simpanan tunai yang banyak, boleh membeli kembali matawang tersebut semasa matawang itu turun, dan ini akan juga menguntungkan negara.... selain akan menaikan kadar tukaran kepada kadar yang sepatutnya.

3. Apakah Mega projek yang kerajaan perlu realisasikan?

Projek mega adalah penting untuk merancakkan ekonomi. Ia perlu dirancang dengan teliti, mengambil kira kemampuan, kesan jangkamasa pendek dan panjang, disamping menarik pertumbuhan perdangangan.

Projek mega yang utama pada pendapat saya adalah pembinaan LANDASAN KERETAPI YANG menghubungkan BUTTERWORTH ke TUMPAT. Satu pelabuhan besar di Tumpat perlu dibina. Kenapa.. jawapannya adalah berkaitan dengan EKONOMI, tak ada kaitan dengan fahaman politik. Cuba fikir-fikirkan kenapa?

Projek mega yang kedua, adalah menghubungkan semua daerah di Malaysia dengan sistem rel. Ini ada kaitan artikel saya sebelum ini berkaitan logistik.

Projek yang ketiga adalah membangunkan ANCHOR industry Negara. Fokus perlu diberikan kepada Industri Asas Tani, Sawit dan Petrochemical. 

4.   Apakah sistem yang perlu ditambahbaik?

Keutamaan penambahbaikan perlu difokuskan kepada takrif rasuah, kebocoran pendapatan negara dan belanjawan.

Untuk penyelesaian atau meminimakan rasuah....Akta MELOBI diperlukan. Mana-mana syarikat yang menyalurkan dana kepada pertubuhan politik perlu membuat deklarasi dan parti politik perlu menjadikan maklumat ini boleh diakses oleh semua peringkat. MAKLUMAT ini  termasuklah; 
- Parti politik yang menerima dana
- kemanakan dana ini disalurkan seperti kepada bahagian dan cawangan berkaitan. 
DANA terus kepada individu adalah tidak dibenarkan sama sekali. Had dana tidak perlu diterhadkan, kerana lagi banyak dana projek disalurkan kepada pertubuhan, lagi tinggi kos sesuatu projek.

Malaysia adalah antara negara yang paling banyak tarif cukai. Sistem Tarif CUKAI yang terlalu banyak perlu di mudahkan dengan sistem seperti GST kecuali kepada barang kawalan. Sistem tariff cukai yang terlalu sukar mengakibatkan kebocoran pendapatan Negara. Sistem AP untuk barang kawalan perlu menjalani tender terbuka

Biasakan Belanjawan/ bajet SURPLUS... hmm, yang ni perlukan pentadbiran yang bijak.

Ada banyak lagi perkara-perkara yang lain yang perlyu ditambahbaik. Tetapi, akta MELOBI ni lah yang paling utama dulu yang perlu dilakasanakan demi Negara tercinta.

Selamat mengundi PRU13.


Innovations - How to begin? My opinions

Before we talk how to begin.. Let view how it begin in America...

The 3 famous name to begin are:


Rockefeller are famous for Standard oil company that force to be break under anti monopoly in 1911. He innovate the use of kerosene in order to light up and heat up the night. Most of the house required kerosene that make him one of the biggest empire at his time.

Then JP Morgan, he is the intelligent finance i.e finance the Panama canal and Edison electric, that later become competitor for Rockefeller.

And Carnegie, steel mill.

After that, Henry FORD will be the model.

Innovation BEGINS... Harley and Davidson, Hersheys and many more...

Many of us will think about education system... but I think what we need is...

1. Strong financial institution like JP morgan in early 1900. They must able to identify potential and prospect project. Project that help to build the nation

2. National ANCHOR Industries - i.e. Standard Oil (Rockefeller) or Petronas in Malaysia. The anchor must able to invest in the need of industries and minimised selling the crude oil only. Focus on finish product.
- Palm Oil can be consider as anchor and develop more product/ or semi finish product that required by industries i.e. Glycerine, emulfier and many more.
- Rubber?
- Food Industries

Then let this Financer and Anchors promote the innovation....
They have the money, they have the expertise and they can give back to society... Rockefeller give back to America more than US100billions (today value).. for education etc

Friday, 26 April 2013

Sharing on Success Factor of ISO/TS16949 Implementation - Study 1

I been auditing ISO/TS16949 since 2003. I observed that the organization are struggling to utilise the system to provide the positive results. A lot of "patch on" in order to maintain the compliance to standard. Why this is happen???

I agreed with the literature review conducted, that main issues is lies on Human Resources.

The main problem is on the TOP MANAGEMENT. Not about commitment as mention in most of the research, but AWARENESS on the standard. This ISO/TS standard is meant for TOP management since there are 2 major clause for them and the title of the standard itself is quality MANAGEMENT system. I observed, if the top management are aware on standard requirements, the system will work smoothly and less patch on since the management already utilised the system in their day to day management.

The second issues is implementor AWARENESS. Seldom, the owner of the process ask WHY the standard required to implement the requirements. All the requirements in the standards have the REASON. Before adopting the requirements, you must always ask or question back WHY, WHY WHY. Once the owner aware on the reason, then they will implement effectively....... not implement because the requirements SAY SO, or the auditor say so.

The results of not aware... the system i.e the procedure is been develop so so so  COMPLICATED until they even know how to implement it. Then 1 or 2 week before the audit, they start to be busy in preparation for the external audit.

In order to succeed in ISO/TS implementation, follow this 3 steps of A - S - U


STEP 2 - SIMPLIFIED the system

STEP 3 - UTILISED the system to become DAY to DAY activities


Critical Success Factor of ISO9001 QMS implementation - Literature Review

In the study of Feng et al. (2008), three basic components of implementing the standard were examined: planning for ISO 9001 certification, organizational commitment, and implementing procedures. Organizational performance was measured in two dimensions, namely operational performance (related to organization’s internal operation, such as productivity, product quality, and internal customer satisfaction) and business performance (related to financial and marketing such as sales growth, profitability, and market share). The results showed a positive and significant relationship between the certification practices (implementation, organizational commitment, and planning) and operational performance. However, the relationship between these practices and business performance was found to be positive but not significant. Organizational commitment to certification was found to be most strongly related to operational and business performance.

The findings from the study of Lin and Jang (2008) revealed a comprehensive ISO 9001 model that was supported by four key constructs namely top management support, quality planning, employee involvement, and continuous improvement. These constructs created a series of chain which had a direct positive impact on business performance. It must be noted that these constructs are interdependent, rather than parallel components. Jang and Lin (2008) found that a positive relationship exists between the extent to which companies implement ISO 9001 and their performance.

Amongst the major findings of the study of Terziovski and Power (2007) is that organizations that seek ISO 9001 certification with a proactive approach driven by a continuous improvement strategy are more likely to derive significant business benefits as a result.

According to the findings of Park et al. (2007), the ISO 9001:2000 certified companies driven by internal motives tended to comply with the major requirements better than those driven by customers demand. More specifically, the certified companies motivated by internal reasons actively accomplished documentation requirements, improvement, customer-related processes, provision of resources and responsibility, authority and communication. Even though companies were certified for internal reasons, they were negligent in thoroughly complying with requirements regarding quality policy, management review, control of nonconforming products, and analysis of data. The results of Park et al. (2007) also showed that a company’s size did not significantly affect the major requirements’ conformity, except for monitoring and measurement, with which the large-sized companies achieved compliance better than the small-sized ones. The results also showed that the companies certified for longer operating years easily managed processes with respect to purchasing, infrastructure, customer, work environment and control of monitoring and measuring devices. However, the certified companies established for a longer time seemed to be careless about complying with planning, customer focus, quality policy, management commitment, and analysis of data.

Poksinska et al. (2006) found that the ISO 9001:2000 standard was implemented by standardising the practice (change only the presentation of organizational processes, not the practice) and not by practising the standard (the practice is changed). The requirements were interpreted by the studied organizations in such a way that it was possible to describe the existing practice in the language of the standard. The organizations stated that standardising the practice was the starting point of the work with ISO 9001 and in the future they also want to practise the standard, but the lack of internal motivation stopped the process or made it very stagnant. As a consequence of this approach, many opportunities for improvement were lost. The ISO 9001:2000 was not perceived as a tool for managing organizational processes, but as a tool for keeping and updating documentation. Consequently, this was reflected in the benefits achieved. Despite the external benefits like improved customer relations, the internal benefits most often mentioned were more structure and order in the work and standardisation of organizational processes. One should notice that those benefits resulted from standardising the practice. ISO 9001:2000 as a first step towards TQM. It is generally accepted that the ISO 9001:2000 standard is much more in line with TQM than the previous versions. However, the gap between ISO 9001:2000 and TQM and the way to effectively reach business excellence in a specific business environment are still under question.

The findings from the study of Magd (2006) seem to confirm the assertion that the ISO 9001 certification constitutes a base for, or is at least complementary to TQM. This can be said due to the fact that the researched companies were hoping to implement TQM in the near future, as they wanted to go further than simply maintaining ISO 9001 in order to achieve long-term success. The results from the study of Tari (2005) showed that the certified companies must improve their people orientation and use quality improvement techniques and tools to a higher extent in order to progress towards TQM. He concluded that if the final company’s objective is to maintain the ISO 9001 certificate, it will stay at a basic TQM level and will show no interest towards a wider development of quality management components. However, if the company wishes to go beyond ISO 9001, it must improve all TQM aspects in order to improve its
competitiveness. In practice, the next step could be the use of the EFQM model to define improvement activities.

The basic conclusion drawn from the study of Gotzamani et al. (2007) was that the ISO 9001 certification indicated an improved EFQM enablers’ performance, especially in the category of process management. Even more, it was indicated that the certification motives are particularly significant for the contribution of certification in excellence performance. The contribution of the standard was indicated to be higher for organizations that implement it focusing mainly on true quality improvement of their internal operation and their final products and services. The results also revealed that the efforts after certification should focus on the “soft” elements of TQM (leadership, employee participation and empowerment and customer relations), since these were the ones with the least improvement from certification.

Terziovski and Power (2007) found that the promotion and facilitation of a quality culture can be achieved through ISO 9001 implementation and the quality auditor is an important player in the process. The relationship between quality culture – ISO 9001 certification and improved business performance was moderately strong, especially in SMEs
certified for longer periods. Finally, it was found a weak relationship between
management responsibility and value derived from ISO 9001 certification, especially in SME certified for less than five years.

Adopted from

Evangelos L. Psomas and Christos V. Fotopoulos” A meta analysis of ISO 9001:2000 research – findings and future research proposals” IJQSS pg 128-144

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